Sunday, 30 September 2018

Pope Francis donates US$100,000 to Arakan

There are still victims of terrorism and conflicts in Arakan(Rakhine) western so-called
Myanmar. Therefore, to be some relief and to enjoy religious freedom in Arakan, His Holiness Pope Francis donated US$100,000 through Arakan state Chief Minister, Mr.Nyi Pu.
According to news source, this donation cash, from His Holiness Pope Francis, will be utilized in the development tasks of villages in Maungtaw Township.
Most villages, in Maungtaw Township, still do not have electricity, clinics, schools, tarred roads and water supply under the Myanmar rule in 21st century.
Myanmar has done nothing for Arakan but it has already taken and still taking everything from Arakan. 
Moreover, it creates political turmoil in Arakan by playing between the Arakanese and Bengali (Rohingya). As a result, people lose to focus on objective of repelling to Myanmar from Arakan.
However, today, new generation of Arakan realizes what and how Myanmar plays tricks to  be losing of genuine objective of Arakan National. Therefore, most educated youths are struggling in a way of Rakhita meaning freedom.
Under the rule of Myanmar, Arakan becomes as a beggar even if it has a lot of natural resources and record of wealthy Kingdom.
We can overhear, every now and then, that Myanmar makes showcase of Arakan situation
across the planet and then asking for aid. Most of those aid went to no Arakan but to Myanmar (Burma). In fact, Arakanese people want no aid, no Myanmar but just freedom from Myanmar.

Friday, 28 September 2018

Arakan Youths Union – Japan denounces re-arrest of eight Mrauk-U youths

Arakan Youths Union – Japan denounces re-arrest of eight Mrauk-U youths

Narinjara News: September 28, 2018
by -Soe Zan Aung (Toungup)
The Arakan Youths Union– Japan has denounced the government for re-arresting eight Mrauk-U youths after they served their sentence for taking part in the protest.
The Sittwe Township Court gave an eight-month sentence to the youths but they were released as their detention period was counted in the imprisonment. However, they were re-arrested on the same day and charged under Section 16 of the Union Flag Law.
“A protest march was held on January 16 in relation to the literary talk issue in Mrauk-U. Seven Rakhine youths lost their lives. Other eight wounded youths were arrested. The arrested youths were charged under Public Property Protection Act. They were given an eight-month sentence. They were released after serving time on remand. It’s an insult against the entire Rakhine people to arrest and charge them again. That’s why we are denouncing it,” Ko Win Naing, information officer of the Arakan Youths Union, said to Narinjara News on September 26.
In the statement, the association claimed that it was an ungraceful political act to file an additional charge against the released eight Rakhine youths and demanded the National League for Democracy (NLD) government to immediately halt the oppression of the Rakhine people.
The association also warned the Rakhine people to be cautious against the government’s ploy.
On behalf of the Arakan Youths Union, Ko Win Naing said he believes the authorities are deliberately trying to instigate the Rakhine people to stage a riot.
He added that the Arakan Youths Union – Japan will stage more protests against the re-arrest of the eight released youths and stand by their side.

Monday, 24 September 2018

Rakhine or Arakan youths are being apprehended by Myanmar police

Arakanese youths are - wherever they travel in so-called, failed state Myanmar - being arrested
by Myanmar Army and Police. Myanmar or Burma accuses all Arakan youths, men and
women as Arakan Army’s members  wherever they travel  in Myanmar . Arakan Army is struggling to get freedom from Myanmar or Burma’s colonial yoke to free its people and the lost Arakan to Myanmar.
Myanmar police, on 22.9.2018, arrested five Arakanese youths who were going to Buddha Gaya in India to get job opportunity as well as pilgrimage. Their journey was via Chin State to India.
When they reached Chin State of Myanmar, Police apprehended them on the ground of baseless, suspicious accusation of members of Arakan Army.
They were being handcuffed and investigated in the lockup of police station in Chin State, Myanmar.

UN has no right to interfere in internal Myanmar matters, says army chief Min Aung Hliang

 News Desk,
Published: 2018-09-24 15:31:29.0 BdST Updated: 2018-09-24 15:31:29.0 BdST

The head of Myanmar’s defence forces says that the UN has no right to interfere the country’s sovereignty, reports the Myawady Daily.
Senior General Min Aung Hlaing’s remarks came after UN investigators called for the prosecution of Hliang and other top Myanmar military brass for the ‘genocide’ perpetrated against the Rohingyas.
“Protecting the interests of the country and ethnics amount to waging a just war,” Hliang said at a meeting with military personnel on Sunday.

Thursday, 20 September 2018

Ethnic *Mro* of Arakan national, every now and then, are being killed in Myanmar

British Foreign Secretary Rt.Hon.Jeremy Hunt MP and officials were visiting Northern
Rakhine (Arakan) where there were conflicts which caused Muslim people to flee to
There are reception centres to accept Muslim returnees in Northern Rakhine that Myanmar government set up nowadays. British Foreign Secretary and officials visited those reception centres and villages.
The villages, visited by British Foreign Secretary and officials, are lived by Hindu, Muslim and *Mro * ethnic of Rakhine National together in each village. These three communities are living in those villages together.
However, other area of Maungdaw Township, the communities are unable to reside together
because of violence.
During British FM, Rt Hon,Jeremy Hunt MP’s visit, ethnic Mro ,aged 40,was killed in Maungdaw Township. He was herding his cattle in a little far pasture from village. When the sun went down, he failed to return home. The villagers went to search for him and cattle in the evening but found only six cattle while the man and other cattle were not found. They reported official about the missing and continued to search and then found the man’s body with multiple sword wounds in the neck, belly and hands.
Every now and then, innocent minorities Mro and Hindu, in Maungdaw Township, are being killed. This report is also published on Arakanese News Agency -facebook page.

Monday, 17 September 2018

Kyin: The traditional Rakhine (Arakan) wrestling

Htay Win
Kyin wrestling is favorite sports of the Rakhine National people since ancient
time. Kyin wrestling, being a kind of national identity for Rakhine people, is one of national
sports in Arakan (Rakhine) that is very popular up to this day. Kyin means a spinning top
in Rakhine language. Some point out that Kyin was derived from Kyar Yin. 
The Kyar Yin was being corrupted to Kyin. Literally, Kyar means the tiger and Yin means the fly. But some people there called wrestling jun. In many part of Rakhine any large festivity wouldn’t be completed without the Kyin tournament. 
In the first round, one athlete has to act like a tiger or as an offensive wrestler while another one is acting like a fly or as a defensive wrestler. During the second round, defensive one in the first round becomes the offensive one while the offensive
one in the first round becomes the defensive one. They change the roles alternatively until the game is over. 
In a wrestling tournament, it needs two athletes to compete for the first  session. and the winner has to compete against another opponent in the second session. Thus, winner
competes against a new opponent in each session eliminating them until he reaches the  final session for getting the trophy. The offensive wrestler is called Aphan and defensive wrestler is called Akhan in Rakhine language. 

Friday, 14 September 2018

Democracy In Crisis: What we know and what we don't

That democratic values and democratic institutions are in crisis all around the world is no longer a revelation; casual observation of the current global scene is enough to bear this out. For years, empirical data provided by the Freedom House and the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) in their annual reports have been indicating that democracy is in a downward spiral. According to a Freedom House report, almost 67 percent people in the world now live under political systems which are either “not free” or “partly free”, or in other words undemocratic. One-third of the global population lives in outright authoritarian regimes according to the EIU, and many Asian countries are hybrid regimes—i.e., ostensibly democratic but essentially authoritarian.

Wednesday, 12 September 2018

Myanmar files lawsuit against Arakanese leader and author

Arakan national political leader Dr. Aye Maung and author Wai Hin Aung whom
Myanmar government led by Aung San Suu Kyi and Army chief Min Aung Hlaing 
including Suu Kyi's confidants like Arakan State Puppet Chief Minister Mr. Nyi Pu filed
suits in sittwe court in the lost Arakan to Myanmar  since January 18,2018.
After they were charged by Myanmar Government on the accusation of three cases,
they were thrown into cell of sittwe jail without letting them out of jail on bail.
Those three cases are high treason, incitement and unlawful association. As usually
Myanmar always oppresses our Arakanese people, they terminate extraordinary our
people and leaders. Most of our Arakanese leaders are ended up in the prison from
time to time by Burma.
On Monday, The court had dropped a charge of unlawful association against Arakanese
leader and author but maintained another two cases – high treason and incitement - when their lawyer prefixed petition before the judge to drop all the charges.  
“Even if we have nothing, not even a toothpick, we are being charged with high treason”
Dr. Aye Maung , political leader of Arakan said.
“ We did not commit a crime but we have been charged. It means judicial system is very bad “
said Arakanese author Wai Hin Aung.
Both of them, delivered speech on the occasion to mark the 233rd anniversary of the fall of Arakan
kingdom to Burma(Myanmar)  at the literary talk in Rathedung township in Arakan.
Burma government imposes to ban literary talks nowadays across the lost Arakan to Myanmar.

Monday, 10 September 2018

The Netherlands stops supporting Syrian rebels, ahead of Idlib offensive Politics

The Netherlands has stopped funding the Syrian opposition in the civil war against president Assad, foreign

minister Stef Blok and trade 

minister Sigrid Kaag have told MPs in a briefing. 


The chance that rebel forces will be able to win the civil war is, the ministers say, now ‘extremely limited’. Dutch support for the rebels has ‘not had the desired effects’, the ministers said. The Netherlands had set aside €70m to fund the opposition.
In addition to funding ‘moderate’ rebels, the Netherland had also put money into their police forces and to the White Helmets programme, the civilian rescue service. Funding for the first two programmes has stopped immediately while the White Helmet support will end in December. 
The Netherlands will, however, continue to support Syrian people ‘which will be extremely necessary’ in the coming period, ministers said. Some three million people live in Idlib, which is the last rebel stronghold and where a major offensive by Assad supporters Russia is said to be about to take place. 
In their briefing ministers are pessimistic about the current situation in Syria, saying that a military victory by Assad’s forces is ‘imminent’ and that the ‘inherent instability’ means the prospects for lasting peace are gloomy.
 However, the Netherlands will continue to strive for a political solution and to support Syria’s neighbouring countries which have also been hit by the conflict, the letter said. 

Saturday, 8 September 2018

Arakanese old woman beaten by Myanmar administrator and stooges

There is a burnt field or land in Sittwe city, capital of Arakan , in western part of so-called Myanmar. Arakanese people ,who live in a burnt field in sittwe city with bamboo huts ,are being attacked and forced to leave by Myanmar administration. 
Under the Myanmar rule, Arakanese people are suffering from all the sides at the same time and most of them had lost their plots of land at a burnt field when Myanmar government with Myanmar Army conspired communal conflict in Arakan since 2012s.
Their houses were burned to ground while the wave of communal conflict became turbulence. After that, Myanmar administration expelled them from a burnt field but they resisted to living on their own plots of land. (the burnt field)
Carrying deadly weapons, last month, Myanmar administrators (city and village level) together with police men and stooges invaded forcefully into a burnt field. They destroyed Mrs. Kyawt Ma Tha’s house and severely beat up her. They handcuffed her son and then took him to police station.
Mrs. Kyawt Ma tha was admitted to hospital in critical condition. She recovered nowadays and complained at police station against the culprits for legal action but police refused to file chargesheet.
Under the Myanmar or Burma rule, Arakanese people are being persecuted.
(This report is also published differently on Arakanese News Agency – – facebook page)

Thursday, 6 September 2018

Myanmar enjoys to build natural gas-fired plants one after another

As most of Arakanese people are living without electricity in Arakan , western so-celled
Myanmar , majority Burma builds natural gas-fired power plants one after another in their Burmese regions. Natural gas for plants which Burma or Myanmar grabs from Arakan coast in bullying way.

Without will of Arakanese and without transparency, Burma or Myanmar has sold it to china. Burma uses some percentage of those gas for electricity but not for Arakanese people but for their own Burmese. Burma does not recognize Arakanese political party as a dialogue partner so that they can do whatever they want without caring Arakanese people.

How Burma purchases gas power engines and utilizes gas from Arakan to distribute electricity in their own region is that see below, please.
Gas-fired plant in Kyaukse to be built
The signing ceremony takes place in July. Photo - Supplied
A 145-megawatts natural gas-fired power plant will be built in Kyaukse of Mandalay Region, according to the Ministry of Electricity and Energy.

Sunday, 2 September 2018

Myanmar urges donations

The websites of Myanmar embassies in different countries on Sunday have published a post titled 'Make a Donation' where the post read: 'Make a donation to give a helping hand in resolving the Rakhine State issue'
Tarek Mahmud – Dhaka Tribune
Myanmar has called on the international community to donate money for resettlement of Rohingyas and development of Rakhine state of the country.
The websites of Myanmar embassies in different countries on Sunday have published a post titled “Make a Donation” where the post read: “Make a donation to give a helping hand in resolving the Rakhine State issue.”
Information of two bank accounts were added to the post for giving donations. They are Myanmar Economic Bank (Account Number: EDU 600002) of Naypyidaw branch for United States of America currency USD money and another is Myanmar Economic Bank (Account Number: CF-003434) of Naypyidaw branch in terms of Myanmar currency Kyat.
Such a post was also seen on the website of Myanmar Embassy in Bangladesh by the Union Enterprise.

Mizoram starts lifting FCI rice for distribution among 40,000 refugees, displaced

  Aizawl: Mizoram food, civil supplies & consumer affairs (FCS&CA) dept has started lifting FCI rice for distribution among 40,000 r...